
Exclusive rights through artistic expressions. Bjerkén Hynell will assist you in managing your copyright.

Copyright – protecting your creative expressions.

When it comes to literary, musical or artistic rights, as soon as such a piece of work is created, the author owns the exclusive rights to their artistic expression.

The author has both the moral rights to administer their work and the economic right to receive compensation when others show or use the work. Copyright may therefore be very significant for the author’s commercial success, or for the company that acquires the economic right to the work.

Protect your creativity. It is part of yourself.

Are you getting paid for your creative expressions?

Our services within copyright

Bjerkén Hynell have extensive experience in managing copyright matters and assisting clients in areas such as:

  • assessing whether a literary, musical or artistic creation fulfils the requirements for copyright protection,
  • managing negotiations regarding copyright;
  • drafting license agreements regarding copyright and royalty;
  • assessing infringements upon copyright,
  • defending clients’ copyright against infringement, both outside of and in court,
  • drafting agreements for transfer of copyright, for example between a company and an employee;
  • registering your copyright in countries where this is beneficial, such as the US and China.

Is your artistic work being used by others? We will assist you.

Do you want to contact us about copyright?

Our attornWe will assist you in managing and defending your rights.
Contact us today!

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